Posts Tagged ‘Idsoftware’

Back in 97 my sister bought our first PC for my mom and dad and me and my brother. It was a family computer and that same year a game was released called quake 2. The game has been Remasted and here…we…go…

I really wish more companies would do exactly what Nightdive Studios has done with this Remaster. Leave the game alone but improve only the graphics, sounds and perhaps add a few more stages to have fun with. This game maintains everything it did back in 97 but with a shine of polish added to keep it beautiful. Showing from it’s time it is a fast paced in your face shooter that sends you on a mission to save humanity. SIMPLE!

If you played Quake 1 you already have an idea what you are going to get with Quake 2. Running down halls killing enemies. However this game took a very different direction going into a more cybernetic Gore fest rather than the previous monster filled halls. It’s a question of rockets, shotguns and how to get past a large ray of enemies with no friendlies insight. Abandoned and alone you play the role of a Marine on a mission to finish a number of objectives.

You will collect weapons along the way and paying attention to health and armor is vital to getting past a number obstacles. The fact the game cost 10$ with a single player campaign, all the DLC and a Multiplayer option with an ADDED CHAPTER Exclusive to this remaster is a must have for anyone who’s looking for some fast paced shooting!