Resident evil 2 and 3 remake part 2 (PS4, PS5 and Switch)

Posted: January 2, 2024 in Video Games Alexander
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After months of going over and playing thru both games a couple of times I have finally narrowed down my thoughts on why I both love and hate these remakes. To begin with the design of the new games are incredible with details. Visually they are beautiful and sound amazing. Yet more to the point let’s see what I really think here. As my love for the classics might over shadow what could be.

Let me begin by saying Resident evil 2 classic is without question one of my life time favorite games I have played in and out a million times. My first exposure to the series at least in terms of owner ship came from the N64 port and it made me fall in love with the series shortly after that. I had friends whom I spent many many nights at playing thru this series on PS1. Re 1 was a game I didn’t really pay any attention to until the remake and later the DS ports. Resident evil Remake on gamecube was my first GameCube game which my parents gifted to me with the GameCube from Blockbuster video.

Even today I believe that remake to be one of 3 games that I believe to be perfect video games that will never lose that title in my life. The even environment perfected,sound amazing and just enough change to make them feel amazing. So when 2 and 3 remake got announced I was excited and hopeful.

To begin with RE2R the game changes things slightly by removing the scenarios. Telling one story for Chris and one story for Claire. This I feel was a massive mistake I feel because you would think the game would tell one story but instead it tells two completely different stories unrelated to one another. Making one character a star character and the other not so much. I personally liked the route that went on the classic version having done different stuff while telling a single story. Yet I will say both are fun to play regardless of that opinion. The game was designed in such away that the puzzles are fun to figure out and most of the little details do still shine pretty well.

One of the biggest changes I came to find about this version of the game was how the characters were laid out. Mr.x for example was used as a more aggressive character this time around for both characters. Honestly the relationships between some of the characters seem slightly off to me. I don’t know maybe it’s my age but I felt more of a connection to Leon and Ada before this remake. Now it seems sorta out of place.

Resident Evil 3 Remake also does take place during the events of 2 However.. my god.. I didn’t like any of what was done to this game. It took a game that had options and made it very linear. Nemesis while a pain in the ass still didn’t seem much like a big part of the plot this time around. Took away all the surprise events that randomly happened and made it more of boring cinematic type of thing. It removed a ton of gameplay points that should have been present I feel! Honestly it feels very rushed and like a game that wasn’t complete.

However I will say the character designs and detailing of the game itself also AMAZING. Jill did feel like Jill and I think the pacing of each character was very cool but I WANTED MORE!! More I felt could have been in this game that SHOULD HAVE BEEN IN IT! Maybe in the future we will get a directors cut but it feels like such a lack of story.

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