Posts Tagged ‘opinions’

This year has had it’s ups and it’s downs. I am currently working on my top 10 favorite games for 2014 and honestly it’s been very interesting to say the least what I have come up with. Now I did last year in December 2013 favorites “click here to read that” and while reviewing that list I noticed something interesting. 6 out of the 10 I listed all came from Nintendo consoles. Which sort of threw me off a bit because Last year I owned FARRRR more ps3 games than anything else. So this year while sadly my ps3 broke on me and I will be getting it back in December I had to give some thought to a few different factors on the topic of favorites.


Alright so to begin with the PS3 Broke so really I didn’t have much to play or even keep up with in terms of the system. However when looking back on the list of games released this year for the ps3..Not much really came out after the system broke on me that I would have wanted to play. Short of Castlevania 2 “which I played and will be on the list”, Alien Isolation and The Evil within really can’t say I would have bought much else for the system. Wolfenstein I have for the PC “still working on that”, and a list of other games that really I just ended up playing on the wiiu or PC anyway and from what I have noticed are better versions on those anyway. So the lose wasn’t anything that big… if anything at all really?

So here I am thinking to myself the big question. Do I even want to rebuy/repair my ps3? Well honestly YES because A. It has a blu ray player on it and I want to watch my movies “tho I can stream them for free really ..but meh” B. I have a big collection of games that I might want to play again and without having the system I see no reason to have such a big collection. Yet short of that I don’t see much reason for having it.

Now the bigger question?! Will I buy a ps4 Next year? Honestly at this point unless they port MKX to the wiiu like they are to the ps3 and xbox 360 that is the single only reason why I will say yes to buying a ps4. Honestly not many series on the SONY system that I see going any place interesting. Resistance was a great series… however after 3.. the story is done.. so really not much interest in that going further. God of war 3 also..Great series! Yet after Ascension can’t really see them making a 4th game that would take the story any place interesting? Over all the ps3 is a great system and I am not knocking it in anyway but really what does Sony have that I am not really getting from my PC or Wiiu that isn’t superior?


Here is the truth… I have had more fun in the single year that I have had my Wiiu then the last 5 years I have had with my ps3. Now how can I say something like that? is how I figured this all out. When I purchased the ps3 I was living in Wisconsin. Really I purchased the system because I wanted to have something to keep myself connected with my brother, my friends here, and of course to play Mortal Kombat vs DC and eventually MK 9 “The Mortal Kombat”.  Really it didn’t seem like it offered much at all to my interest. Yes it had Silent hill and Resident evil on it’s side to grab me. I learned about such great games to follow as Bioshock and Dead Space with it. However while those games peak my interest and I Love playing them I Enjoyed playing Nintendo games more because of the NEW experiences I had with it.

Take for example Silent Hill shattered memories “MY FAVORITE SILENT HILL GAME”. It was on a Nintendo Console and really that shocked me that I enjoyed playing that game more then BOTH of the Silent Hill games released on the PS3 “HOMECOMING AND DOWNPOUR”. True to the statement those games are fun to play but NOT AS FUN.

Or let’s take a game like what I previously spoke about God Of War! Truly an amazing game with breath taking graphics and a very grabbing story, violence and pretty much the “Mario” of the Sony Brand series. However when I think about how much fun I had playing it really I can “in my own opinion” say that I had just as much of the same type of fun playing Madworld on the Wii. Equally as satisfied because they are both over the top violent games but Madworld has a bit more of a sense of humor about it as opposed to the series story of god of war.

Again really that is just my opinion on the topic. This years list I think will explain this all in better detail but yea.. just something to think about!