Posts Tagged ‘FGC’

Mortal Kombat 1

Another mortal Kombat because 11 + games wasn’t enough for me. What do I think of this latest entry into the series!? Here…we…go…

Upon starting the game I always go directly to the story mode which like the previous 3 (Mortal Kombat, mkx and mk 11 ) has a give or take 3-5 hour story tell like a movie. Explaining the background mythology to a story now in it’s 12th entry plus this time around was fun!.. Taking everything we know about the series and putting a new shine on it while maybe maintaining respect for what we knew in a twisted tail of good vs evil was fun. I enjoyed many of the changes to the characters I have know for years. One of the best things about the story telling this time around also was that it put the correct amount of time on each character. Nothing was rushed or felt like I needed more. It was all well balanced and interesting.

Do we need more!? Sure.. more can be told but the conclusions made in this part of the story are easy to understand and really not getting more wouldn’t be tragic but considering how it ends…we will probably get more..

Moving on from the story mode the game offers a training mode,online,invasion and a interesting reward system. Most of which are fun but oddly feel unfinished. Most of the game seems to have its basic designs or at this point (standards). Arcade tower mode that allows you to pick one main character and one Kameo character (that centers around most of the gameplay)

The Kameo system is the biggest change to this entry in terms of gameplay. Using the R1 trigger and a variation of directions allows any fighter to call upon a second fighter to perform a series of special attacks unique to that character. So picking Baraka alone isn’t an option with this game. However having to use Baraka alone is. Yet with that decision you limit the abilities to use breakers, throws, and other technical movements which change based on the second roster of Kameo characters.

It does add a layer to technical thinking which opens up the abilities of one character vs another but can also hinder some of the main focus on the main roster of characters. Having played a number of online matches now I can say balancing this fighting game is still currently going to be a big work in progress.

As stated before the standard for any mortal Kombat game is there. An arcade mode with several towers to complete which ends in a short storyboard conclusion for each character (Not kameos they are just guests) a roaster of about 24 characters with DLC already announced.

I got to play the beta over the weekend. It was fun..very different gameplay from MK 11. Kinda like Liu Kang so far. Really looking forward to playing with Baraka and Reptile once the game is released. Overall it’s made me hype for the series. We will see what happens IN THE NEXT 30 DAYS!! WOOT!

Really excited about the trailer that just dropped. Looks like a sort of prequel to the series. However it’s kinda a Sequel as well because it all takes place after Mortal Kombat 11. So many rumors and Ideas going around. I spent a majority of the morning hanging out with two streams!

I attended this 7 hour event!!


Which made the reveal awesome! I’m excited. I have a million and one questions and I’m sure in the coming weeks we will get more information!